1999 John Doe
Date Found: 04/02/1999
Location Found: 800 2 Ave NE (Spa Beach)
Circumstances: Jumped off seawall near the Pier approach and drowned.
- 35 Years of Age
- Approximately 5’5” tall
- 132 lbs
- Brown eyes
- Brown hair with frontal balding
- Approximate age 21-35
- Wearing: blue shirt,tan pants gray socks, black shoes
- On Antipsychotic medication

1992 John Doe
Date Found: 07/16/1992
Location Found: 1900 Block of Central Ave
Circumstances: John Doe was found on the sidewalk with head injuries and died later as a result of those injuries.
- Average Age: Fifties
- Approximately 6’ talll
- Brown Eyes
- Eye glasses
- Dentures
- Mole near right eyebrow
- Wearing blue pants and a red checkered shirt

1980 Juvenile John Doe
Date Found: 10/10/1980
Location Found: Intercoastal waterway-Skyway
Circumstances: At 1:40 PM the victim was found in the waterway near the Skyway bridge.
- Average Age: 15-25
- 125 lbs
- Light Brown Hair
- Brown eyes
- Aprroximately 5’ 5” tall

1980 John Doe
Date Found: 04/26/1980
Location Found: 701 34 St North
Circumstances: John Doe traveled to St. Pete with another white male who has already been identified. While both were staying at the Siesta Hotel they were shot and killed.
- 25 to 40 years old
- Reddish brown hair and beard
- Hazel eyes
- 5’8”
- 155 lbs
- 16 inch scar on chest with suture marks
- Scar on left arm with suture marks
- Wearing Italian horn pendant