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  • Paid vacation (up to 5 weeks), Sick leave, Military leave, Funeral leave, and Federal holidays.
  • Uniforms and equipment provided at no cost.
  • 24/7, onsite, fully equipped gym at no cost.
  • Take Home Car Program.
  • Retirement: Officers pay 7% into their pension with the City and the State contributing to the pension as well. You may retire with unreduced benefits at age of 55 or 25 years of service. You become vested at 10 years of service. You earn 3% credit for each year of service; therefore ,if you retire after 10 years you would get 30%, 25 years you would get 75%, etc. Retirement is calculated on your base pay plus certain overtime, education pay, and shift differential. The City also offers a Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP). At 25 years of service, if opted, your pension payment is deposited into an account while you continue to receive your biweekly paycheck. You can continue to work up to 7 years in the DROP. Once your employment ends, you will receive your pension payment and have access to the funds in your DROP account.
  • The City of St Petersburg offers several health, vision and dental plans. The plans have several levels of premiums, co-pays and out of pocket expenses. The City has its own Wellness Center with doctors on staff. If you are covered by the City’s insurance, you, your spouse, and children over the age of 16 are eligible to see the City doctors, as well. There is no cost, deductibles or out of pocket expenses for visiting the City doctors. The Wellness Center also maintains a large supply of medications for blood pressure, cholesterol, allergies, antibiotics etc. Medications prescribed by the City doctor, that are kept in stock, are free. No cost, deductible or out of pocket expenses. Insurance is effective after you have completed one calendar month of employment.
  • Education Incentive:
    Associates degree: $30 monthly
    Bachelors degree: $80 monthly
    *Eligible to receive up to $130 monthly with additional incentive training.
  • Tuition assistance available up to $1500 annually. A charitable trust has been established for additional educational assistance. Applications are submitted annually.

City Benefits and Pension Information

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